The Edwards Comprehensive Cancer Center's Department of Radiation Oncology uses a Varian TrueBeam™ linear accelerator, a state-of-the-art radiation delivery platform that treats cancer with speed and accuracy, in conjunction with BRAINLAB stereotactic and advanced imaging capabilities.
This versatile and powerful platform allows radiation oncologists to treat challenging cancers throughout the body, including those in the brain, spine and liver, while avoiding healthy tissue. Because procedures are performed in a shorter amount of time, the experience is more comfortable and convenient for patients.
The TrueBeam linear accelerator integrates imaging and radiation delivery. It can be used to deliver many forms of radiotherapy, including:
This gives your doctor the opportunity to tailor your treatment, choosing the method that is best for your particular case.
TrueBeam has an On-Board Imager controlled by two robotic arms that rotate around you, creating a three-dimensional picture to confirm the location of the tumor. TrueBeam then provides a precisely sculpted 3D radiation dose as it rotates 360º around you. The system continuously monitors the movement of your tumor as you breathe and only delivers radiation when the tumor is in exactly the right place. This allows for a higher, more effective dosage amount without additional risk of side effects, including damage to normal surrounding tissues.
The ECCC has the only TrueBeam with BRAINLAB capabilities within a 100+ mile radius. BRAINLAB advanced imaging components allow real-time monitoring of patients while they’re receiving treatment.
Short treatment times can minimize the interruption of your daily life. Closed-circuit television systems with two-way audio keep you in continuous contact with the therapist running the machine. Enhanced technology allows for music to be played during your treatment, helping to create a more soothing environment.
"In the past decade, the field of radiation oncology has seen incredible advancements in technology, computer power and imaging," said Dr. Grace Dixon, radiation oncologist. "These advancements allow us to provide treatments that are significantly more effective, with fewer side effects than ever before."
The staff at the ECCC has many years of experience in radiation therapy, taking great pride and pleasure in serving our patients. All of our physicians are board-certified in radiation therapy. More than half of the nurses in radiation oncology are trained and certified in oncology and one nurse has earned an additional OCN certification in radiation therapy.
Questions? Please call 304.399.6501.